Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
Object oriented programming OOP is a programming
technique which is used by many programming languages and in this you have to
use classes which are a user define data type and you create functions and
attributes according to your use and then to use them you have to create an
object or instance of that class so that you are able to access the attribute
and operation of that class.
The object oriented programming have a main advantage of
code reusability that you have to create a class for one time and then just
have to create its instance where ever you want to use it.
The main concepts of object oriented programming are
given below:
- · Inheritance
- · Encapsulation
- · Overloading
- · Polymorphism
- · Abstraction
As we already discuss all of these topics in over
previous posts but for now take a little review of all of them. Inheritance as the name suggests
inheriting something from other. In this we have a supper and sub class
hierarchy and sup classes are inherited form super classes and was able to use
the functionality and attributes of super class. Many type of inheritance is
- · Single level inheritance
- · Multi-level inheritance
- · Multiple inheritances
- · Hybrid inheritance
For more there are other two very important concepts in
inheritance which is following:
- · Generalization
- · Specialization
mean data hiding in classes we have to define the scope of every object and
function by default they are all private. We have normally three scope resolution
- · Public
- · Private
- · Protected
- · Sealed
- · Sealed internal
provides us the y to define same thing with different meaning there are two
type of overloading:
Function overloading
Operator overloading
In function
overloading we have many functions with same name but different data type
and in operator overloading we
re-write the functionality of different operators like =, <, >, ||, $$
means many ways. In this we have many ways to class a function it cover the
topic of function overriding.
The polymorphic classes contain two types of functions
- · Virtual function
- · Override functions
There are many object oriented programming languages in
which some are pure object oriented and some have both procedural and also
object oriented way.
Java and C# are pure object oriented languages
C++, PHP, JavaScript are not pure object oriented but
have functionality of it.
The constructor is default functionality in all object
oriented languages which come with the classes whenever we create object of the
class the default constructor call and execute its code first without calling
In C++, Java and C# constructor have the same name as
class name and have no data type but in PHP we have to define constructor like
Function __construct( ) {
Example class in PHP:
class person{
"<h1>Person Information</h1>";
function get_ID($id){
"<h3>Person ID No is :- ".$id.'</h3>';
private function
"<h3>Person name is :- ".$name.'</h3>';
function get_mob($mob){//have private scope
"<h3>Person Mobile No is :- ".$mob.'</h3>';
function calle($id,$name,$mob){
= new person();//object creation
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