My Top & Best Useful and Usable Android apps 2013-2014
Android making crazy to everyone with amazing features and games everyone want android smart phone because android is very easy to operate and have many amazing features. If you are an android user and want to make your phone really smarter then you should read below.
Today I am going to share some top and best useful android applications and you should use also. All the apps are free and you can easily download from Google Play store. Before I share some other useful android application like Best app for students, how to change wallpaper automatically in Android and more. I am writing this article because I am daily user of the below apps and all are very useful.
My Top Useful Android Apps are:
1) Ram Cleaner: Is your android device running slow and your battery power running quickly. In all android device (phone or tablet) some application always running in background and they sucks your android phone ram and battery but don’t worry download this this app and clear your ram
2) SuperBeam : SuperBeam is fastest way to share lager files between android devices by WIFI direct. It’s very easy to use just select your file and send via SuperBeam then it will generate a Unique QR code. Now open other android device and open their camera and take their camera over QR code. Now done it will take automatically the File.
3) SMS Scheduler : SMS Scheduler is very android apps, sometime we forget to message some at time but this application will help you to auto message at time. Just type message and set time and apply. This app will send automatically your message to sender at scheduled time.
4) PicsArt : PicArt is a Picture editor app. This is best picture editor for android device with lots of feature. PicsArt have many features to edit picture but first time you need internet to download PicArt all Feature then you can use it.
5) MX Player : MX player is best App to play any video in your android mobile. Many users say it is android VLC because it helps to play any video format in your android device.
6) App Backup & Restore : This app is very good to make a backup of your all android apps in your SD card. Sometime we lost some app from our android device that time this app help me to get back or restore all app from my SD card.
All above Apps are trusted and safe because I am using all apps in my android mobile. If you like any apps so you can download from Google play store. For more tips and tricks you can follow us on Facebook or our blog. Have a tricky and nice day 
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